Services For Banks, Insurances, Funds
Contracts and Job Orders
We supervise the correct development of both civil and industrial projects.
Building, Infrastructures and Industry
We provide supervision services of works and of technical consulting
Evaluation of real estate investments.
Determination of causes and evaluation of damages towards real estates and properties in consequence of accidents covered by an insurance policy.
Services of environmental engineering for building and territory
We supervise the correct development of both civil and industrial projects.
- Technical consulting for insurances during the contract for the determination of structural deficiencies that influence the insurance policy. Technical monitoring during the contract for the drawing up of a posthumous ten year insurance policy.
- Technical consulting during the contract through monitoring.
- Examination of the progress of works for the release of financing, of loans, and for the payment of the work progress.
- Project monitoring activities.
- Inspection services of the construction yard, Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Building, Infrastructures and Industry
We provide supervision services of works and of technical consulting
- High superintendence of works, supervision of the planners' activities and of the Working Coordinator
- Execution of surveys, investigations, technical consulting.
- Assistance in the conduct of controversies, in procedures for a friendly agreement and in judicial and extrajudicial procedures regarding building and infrastructural works.
- Estimate and Real Estate
- We evaluate every type of property and we provide services of technical support in the conduct and in the trade of real estates.
- Expert's report for the release of loans.
- Evaluation of the property of banks and insurances.
Evaluation of real estate investments.
Determination of causes and evaluation of damages towards real estates and properties in consequence of accidents covered by an insurance policy.
- Due Diligence: technical inspections, assets analysis, the quality and the condition of real estates, the evaluation of timing and costs necessary for the adjustment; the determination of risks, criticality and potentiality.
- Technical-administrative and urbanistic surveys and inspections.
Services of environmental engineering for building and territory
- Specialized consulting for energetic and environmental certifications (LEED, BREEAM, ITACA, CASACLIMA, etc).
- Inspections on the causes of environmental pollution
- Evaluation of environmental damages caused by dispersion of polluting substances.